How I work with a playlist of your choice
Friday 8th July 2022
Most DJ's will ask the customer for a playlist, which some use as their comfort blanket. The less experienced DJ's love it because if the customer that the DJ performed badly the DJ will use the excuse of saying it's not his fault as he played all the songs he was given on the playlist... This may may sound extreme, but believe me it does happen!
Every playlist has to be carefully scrutinised to ensure the song selection will contribute to a successful disco. This is where experience comes into play. An experienced DJ will be able to tell at a glance what songs will work well on the dance-floor from those songs that will probably clear it.
It's up to the DJ to convey this information back to the client before the event. However, If the client is adamant that they'd prefer the DJ to not deviate from the list, then form a DJ standpoint there is nothing that can be done to avert an empty dance-floor.
Let's face facts, just because you love a particular song, that doesn't mean everyone else will! Some songs just aren't meant to be played at 10:00pm in the middle of a terrific set when everyone is dancing their socks off.
In my opinion, the playlist should be used as a guide to the customers preferred liking's... Yes, I will always play songs from the list i am given, but i will always use my judgment to make sure that what I play from the list will work at any particular time. DJP